A lot of people will say "It's a control panel it doesn't need to be pretty, nobody sees it anyway" well, not here at Lawtronic. We view our panels as works of art. No matter how big or small we take pride in very panel we build
which is a rare thing these days
We make sure every panel looks as good as it functions. From designing the most efficient layout through to our articulate wiring practices and full functional testing we make sure every panel that leaves Lawtronic is 100% fit for purpose, to specification and exceeds our customers' expectations.
In our 18,000sq ft manufacturing facility which has just had a £1,000,000 renovation and expansion,
we pair cellular manufacturing & line side stock with our multi-skilled workforce ensuring that each cell has a dedicated area which can be task based or even customer based. This keeps build times to a minimum which enables us to
provide savings we can then pass onto our customers. We manufacture anything from large bespoke
multi-bay MCC panels to the 1000's off repeat panels.
Mechanical Assemblies
Sub Assemblies
Cable Harnesses
Machine Builds
Specialist / Bespoke Panels
Flowline Panels
Batch Builds

Cable Preparation
Throughout our manufacturing process we create the most efficient and risk free build plans using our in house Technical file system to ensure every panel comes out exactly as required every time. This starts in the cable prep cell for our flow-line products which enables us to utilize our Automatic Cutting / Stripping / ID Printing machine to cut, strip and print thousands of cables in a matter of minutes. We can then kit a set of cables along with all of the components for each panel to reduce assembly time.
Automatic Schleuniger Cable Machine
Semi Automatic Ferrulling Machines
Semi Automatic Crimping Machines
Pull Testing
Cellular Manufacturing
Having a cellular manufacturing layout and ethos allows us to segregate different processes and products to give us the most efficient, low risk and flow of manufacturing
Cable Prep
Flow-line Manufacturing Cells
Bespoke Cells
Line Side Stock Cells Specific to Products / Customers
Testing Cell
Stores Cell